Je vous conseille cet article en anglais qui a paru en 2010 :
Bon, la photo d'illustration est tout de même très habillée... On dirait une photo de la plage d'Euronat, par temps de chaleur...
(pas taper, je m'en vais...)
:b Je ne peux m'empêcher de partager l'article paru ce jour dans le quotidien irlandais "Independent" relatant les aventures d'un couple originaire de Nouvelle-Zélande en lune de miel dans la ville de Drumshanbo dans le Comté de Leitrim (près de la frontière avec l'Ulster), à l'occasion du Congrès naturiste international qui se tient au Lough Allen Hotel :
A good nudes story from Leitrim
A HONEYMOONING couple could barely conceal their delight as they landed in a small west of Ireland town along with 100 other naturists. The unlikely setting of the small woodland town of Drumshanbo, Co Leitrim is the top destination for nudists from all over the world this weekend. The Lough Allen Hotel is playing host to the 'International Naturist Congress', with naturists from over 20 countries in attendance.
New Zealand natives Nick and Wendy Lowe are honeymooning at the event and, with the sun shining down on the party, they have wasted no time in getting to know their fellow guests. "It's like a big family, because you have already got something in common. There is not the same ice-breaking as when you are sitting in a bar or something," said Wendy (51). The wedding in January of last year was a 'clothing optional' affair and Wendy said the lifestyle comes naturally to the pair. "Nick does a lot of kayaking, running and cycling. He does as much of that naked as he can and I garden naked. It is our life. It is not something we do, it is what we are. We are nudists," she said.
The first gathering of its kind on these shores, the congress aims to promote "touristic naturism" - despite the fact that public nudity remains illegal in Ireland and there are no officially designated nudist areas. Mick Ayers, vice-president of the International Naturist Federation, said Ireland was missing out on the growing worldwide market for naturist tourism. "Ireland, with its long coastline, has many secluded beaches which would be perfect for naturists," he said. He said naturists were "high-spending, environmentally-conscious tourists" who would flock to the country if proper facilities were available. Many of the delegates are planning on a prolonged stay in the area and a spokeswoman for Failte Ireland said the congress could contribute around EUR150,000 to the local economy.
Eamonn, membership secretary of Aquarius, a Leinster-based naturist association, said he would love to see Irish laws changed to bring us in line with the "far more relaxed attitude" of Europe. Eamonn, who didn't want his surname published, said the hotel had agreed to set facilities aside at certain times for the delegates. "We will make the most of it. Generally speaking, naturists are a very nice group of people. They are very trusting, I mean otherwise you are not going to go nude with them," he said. He said any relaxing of the laws here will "probably have to be brought in through Europe". "It has been brought up before a number of justice ministers and they usually just toss it aside, so we are hoping it can be standardised throughout the EU area," he said. "Ideally, you would have beaches with a sign on them saying: 'Beyond this point nudity is allowed'. The public would be warned so they wouldn't be getting offended," he said.
The weekend will be topped off by a gala dinner on Saturday night and Wendy said she was hoping it would be a clothing-optional affair. "I prefer to wear as little as possible when I can, so if anybody else is naked then I'll get naked, I'm sure Nick will join me and we'll go from there," she said.
Despite the laws banning nudity, the Irish Naturist Association's website lists a number of beaches where nudity is "tolerated" - although discretion is advised. Eamonn said there are beaches all over the country where "local knowledge" will tell you if it is acceptable to strip off.
Source :
😛 Tout simplement bravo mesdames !!! :=! :=! :=!
Des milliers de femmes nues ont plongé dans les eaux froides du littoral de l'île d'Emeraude, à 50 km au sud de Dublin, pour des oeuvres de charité, ont gagné des milliers d'euros pour les enfants atteints de cancer et ont, en passant, battu le record mondial de "natation nue en masse". Lire la suite :
Et pour celles et ceux qui lisent l'anglais 😉 :
ou encore l'italien 😉 :
Eh oui, beaucoup de monde, et beaucoup de buzz.
Comme quoi ceux qui disent que l'Irlande est un pays catholique arriéré ultra-conservateur feraient bien de mettre à jour leur analyse, surtout depuis le résultat du referendum de la semaine dernière!
Circulent également une flopée de vidéos de l'évènement sur Youtube et sans doute les autres plateformes.
Avec des commentaires parfois enthousiastes, parfois, euh, pas vraiment.
Je me réponds à moi-même, parce qu'en allant sur les rubriques d'info en ligne, je ne vois plus que ça, ces 2505 femmes.
J'ai envie de dire "Record à battre"!
(Le record a été enregistré dans le Guiness des records).
Même non-mixtes, si les naturistes arrivaient à avoir plus de 2500 personnes nues (et toutes, pas de maillot) en France, ça ferait un buzz d'enfer.
Le 1er juillet, il y a déjà Aventureland, mais pourquoi pas la baignade des Sans Culotte pour le 14 juillet?
Puisque nous avons une FFN dynamique et entreprenante, qui ne craint pas de faire la promotion du nudisme (eh oui, j'ose), je lance l'idée.